Here's a question...

If you had a money-making machine, would you protect it?

You do. It is you.

Most of us go through life expecting to earn an income and grow our assets over time, enabling us to look after ourselves and loved ones now and into the future.

But what would happen if you lost the ability to earn an income, or even faced the prospective of premature death? How can you protect yourself and those that depend on you?

This is where having personal insurance can help. Depending on the type of cover you need, insurance can fill the gap in assets, fund the cost of ongoing medical care, or replace your lost income at times when you or your loved ones depend on it the most.

What sort of cover do I need?

Four different types of personal insurance cover for a range of circumstances and budgets

With so many different types of insurance products available, from so many different insurance providers, it can be extremely challenging to find the right cover for your situation and budget. Virtue & Partners take the hassle and guesswork out of securing the right cover for you, ensuring that you're not getting (and paying for) features that you are not going to need.

The four main types of cover are: Life Cover, Income Protection Cover, Trauma & Critical Illness Cover, and Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover.

Life Cover

Provides a lump sum benefit to your nominated beneficiaries on your death or if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness

Income Protection Cover

Provides a replacement monthly income in the event that you are unable to work due to illness or injury

Trauma & Critical Illness Cover

Provides a lump sum benefit if you are diagnosed with a critical illness or major trauma such as cancer, heart attack, or stroke

Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover

Provides a lump sum benefit if you become totally and permanently disabled due to illness or accident, and will never return to work

To discuss how Virtue & Partners can tailor a financial plan for you, please get in touch